Sunday, October 14, 2007

I miss God

As long as I can remember, I've been going to San Martin De Porres Catholic Church. It was just around the corner from our house and my whole family would go to church every Sunday at 12 and go eat afterwards. Well as time went by we stopped going to church. The only time we go to church now is when someone passes away. How terrible is that? Lately I have been thinking that I've been wanting to go to church. Is it wrong for me to want to go to a church that interests me? I love all the songs we use to sing together at San Martin De Porres, but when the Reverend would talk, I could barely understand him with his accent. I want to at least understand what he is saying. I'm not sure if that is bad to even think.


Anonymous said...

Why not pay God a visit tomorrow and see it your newfound interest goes anywhere? It couldn't hurt.

Rachel said...

I agree! Some churches are wrong for certain people, that is definitely not a bad thing, but a true fact. You can't help your feelings, so why not do as Glenn says and explore that some more?