Sunday, September 9, 2007

I know what they're going through...

Back in San Antonio I use to go to a school named John F. Kennedy. We were part of the Edgewood Independent School District. Now the thing is being apart of that school district you weren't exactly the proudest. We were know as the poorest district in the community. As Garfield High in the movie "Stand and Deliver" our teachers and principals were scared of our school going into suspension. Our teachers were driving us crazy! There we so many benchmarks and practice TAKS test! Everyday in class there was not one moment were the TAKS was not brought up.
I was actually the type of girl who cared about my grades and was quite frankly tired of the TAKS talk. Seeing those "thug" kids who just didn't give a damn and skipped school more often than being in class were not helping our situation. I was not sure if all the kids who cared could actually pull through and help our school. In the end, we ended up being Recognized for having so many students pass the TAKS. I guess all that TAKS talk actually sank into everyone's head and we just did not want to hear it anymore. =]


sgh said...

This is an interesting post. Do you think that drilling for the TAKS made you a smarter, more capable person?

Rachel said...

Sometimes repetitiveness is all one needs to get the idea that this is reality.

Trust me, my school did it to us. I was fortunate enough to be in the TAKS time class with several of the top 10 kids in class, so we weren't bothered too much.

I still feel for you, girl!

Erin said...

that's unfortunate. ITs good you were motivated. Good for you.

C.J. said...

I understand where you are coming from, hearing all the TAKS stuff over and over again. We would devote entire periods to TAKS so i definatly feel your pain.

Khristi Shurbet said...

Wow! Thats crazy. It's cool how yall pulled through though. Great Story!

SAM said...

The repetition paid off at your school. I think that's what every school should do if it's going to work. You probably know my school since you lived in San Antonio. I went to Clark which was a great school but not everyone passed the TAKS test. Although your teachers and principals were aggravating they still ended up helping you'll.